Hi, I'm Alastair. This is mostly just experimental stuff.
This web-site is currently running on a free hosting service, which supports only static html, no cgi, asp or server-side scripting of any sort. This means that all the "interactive-ness" on the Family-Tree pages is done with html, javascript / jquery, css and ajax. It's been a fun challenge, and I think the result is quite dynamic, given those limitations. One day I'll stop being a cheap-skate and upgrade to a paid hosting plan, giving me access to php, MySql and all the other goodies.
Paradigm shift
There is a true story of a battleship cruising the Atlantic off the northern coast of Maine one stormy evening.
The officer on watch called the commander, "A light ahead, Sir. Oncoming vessel."
The commander said, "Signal the oncoming vessel 'Change your course.'"
The message was sent, but the reply came back, "You change course."
The commander barked, "Signal again, ' I'm an Admiral, change course now.'"
The reply came, "I'm a seaman third class, you change course."
Fuming, the admiral thundered angrily,
"Signal again. 'Change course immediately. I'm on a battleship.'"
And the message came back, "You change course. I'm on a lighthouse."
These have been collected from various public sources. All quotations remain the intellectual property of their respective originators.
We held a reunion of Manning cousins (Vern's grandchildren) on Hawarden Show weekend, 2011.
In February 2011 (3 days before the big quake) we took posession of this river-side hideaway.
Some dabbling in genealogy; mostly working on automatically generating the web-pages,
not putting much effort into the research side at this stage.
I am hoping to update these trees sometime, but don't have the time or resources or social skills :s to
compile the infomation myself. If your family sits beneath one of these, and you feel inclined to fill in some names and
dates for me, I'll be happy to merge them into the tree.
If you're interested in genealogy, the web is an amazing (and often frustrating) resource.
For research in Canterbury and New Zealand, there are some useful hints and links on the
Clan-Fraser web-site,
especially the list of cemeteries that have searchable on-line databases.
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